The show, "The Sex Lives of College Girls" co-written by funny woman Mindy Kaling and Justin Noble, is looking for extras to appear as college students and faculty members, as well female soccer players.
In particular, the casting company is looking for residents from the region and who will be available on multiple days during June and July at Vassar College in Poughkeepsie.
You will need a headshot to attach to your application, which is short and easy to fill out.
If you are interested in participating as a student or faculty member, fill out the following form here. Be sure to check that you were referred by the Hudson Valley Film Commission.
If you are interested in participating as a female soccer player, fill out the form here. Please check off that you were referred by the Hudson Valley Film Commission.
The series, which will star Pauline Chalamet, Amrit Kaur, Renée Rapp, and Alyah Chanelle Scott, tells the story of four roommates and students at the prestigious New England Essex College.
That includes all the fun and social life, as well as the trials and tribulations of a college student.
Also set to join the cast is former Disney Channel star Dylan Sprouse, who has signed on to play a character named Nico, a junior at the college.
So, put on your best smile and snap that headshot, and fill out those forms.
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